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YouTube Copyright Claim Solved For Beginners

Hello guys, today I'm going to give a few pointers for the new youtubers out there who has some good content but don't know what to look out for. For instance anybody who started their youtube experience has one or the other time experience the "Copyright Claim" warning from youtube, and that is what we are going to be talking about today.
Copyright Claim warning from youtube means that you have used materials in your video content that doesn't belong to you like the music tracks or audio tracks or video clips, which you might have incorporated into your videos because the music is a very cool and popular song which make your videos more interesting and complete. Mainstream music and other popular music cannot be used in videos on youtube unless you have a license to use it from the owners or from the record label. The same goes for movie clips or sports clips or news clips or other youtubers clips which you want to use for your videos.

To know if your videos has been copyright claimed just go to youtube studio, the browser version not the app, and check your videos from the studio. Or youtube will send you an email. 
If you unknowingly used such kind of video clips or audio tracks without copyright privileges and then you posted it on youtube, then youtube will issue a copyright strike along with a copyright claim from the original owners against your videos which will result in you not getting any money from the video in the future or to put it simply you can't monetized the said video and the stricter action taken against you will be that Youtube will take down your video. A couple more of these strikes will lead to suspension of your entire Youtube channel.
If you have been sent a "copyright claim" warning on any of your videos then there are a few options which you can take to resolve it.
1)If it's a video clip that causes the copyright claim then  you can delete the video yourself from your youtube channel, edit out the part which are causing the copyright claim and then reuploading it as a new video (This will mean that you will lose all your watchtime and views which you have gotten alreadyon the video). Or youcould leave it on your channel if you don't mind not being able to monetized it.
2) You can remove the materials that are causing the copyright Infringement if it's an audio or music tracks and your video is left without any sound (You will retain your original watchtime and views but the video will not be interesting anymore).
3) You can replace the audio or music track from the video with a replacement audio from youtube music library, if the copyright claim is against your music or audio track. (but if you have listen to any of these audio track you will know that they are very bland and boring and they might not match with the video)
Note: You cannot replace the audio track of the video with another one from your own personal library. You can only do that in your video maker software or app first and then re-upload the new video as brand new.
So if you still want to put music on your videos and not have to worry about the pesky copyright problems then you can do a few things to avoid it in the first place.
You can either create your own music and tracks (if you have the time and talent), or you do a parody cover of the songs you want to use, or you can use a no copyright song aka royalty free songs. Mind you, the reason that they are free is because they are not so good or cool although there are some which are great if you do an extensive search for them or you can check out some of the channels below which have already uploaded some of the best song that are free.  

You can use video clips from youtube if the youtuber or thechannel upload their contents as a creative common video license (Filter your search and you'll find them).
Here, the third option of using the no copyright songs is what I want to talk about. No copyright songs are like any other music tracks with vocals and music track but like the name suggests there is no copyright strike if you used it on your videos. You just have to choose the music you like and download it and use it just like that and you can save a lot more time., just be sure to give credits to the artist and their song that you use. 
Check the channel below to get a selection of the music you want to use for your projects:


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